One of the many things I love about my photography business is, it has been a reason to connect with so many long lost friends. Friends I haven’t seen in a decade! Friends that I have loved, but because of busy lives have fallen out of step with.
There is something to be said about having an amazing church family! They support you, encourage you, and build you up. And that is what makes Alex and Jennifer so special.
WOW, how fast does a year fly by!?! I met Tim and Sarah a little over a year ago, right before Miss Riley was born. I had started my photography business just weeks prior and I begged them to let me take maternity photos of them. One thing led to another and next I was […]
Today was an exciting day! I packed my gear and headed due west, driving until the side walk ended at Lake Michigan, for the Martin extended family session. The Martin’s gathered their entire clan for their annual 4th of July celebration…
I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. – JOHN 15:1-2 (ESV)
Jackson will be ONE this week!!! What a milestone, that is 12 months, or 52 weeks, or a whooping 365 days old! I just met Jackson for the first time at his birthday session on Sunday, but I could quickly tell he is curious, adventurous, brave, silly, sweet and on the move.
What a joy! I love doing expended family sessions, especially when the session the was a Mother’s Day gift for Grandma. It isn’t often enough that we plan and gather the entire family together to capture some keep sake images. And, it was three children ago that this particular family had photos together as complete group.
I met Ben’s parents last fall at their maternity session, then I got to snap his newborn photos, his 3 month photos and now Ben is 6 months old, so…more photos! Ben is actually my “ambassador baby” for my baby’s for first year package…
Happy First Day of Summer!!! Here in Michigan, on the day where we get the most amount of minutes of Happy First Day of Summer!!! Here in Michigan, on the day where we get the most amount of minutes of actual sunlight…we celebrated with a mini photo session of this adorable brother and sister duo at an amazing flower farm…
This family, the Sinacolas, are family to me! My dear husband worked for and along side this family for nearly two decades and I know he would be the first to tell you, Perry is like a second father to him. So, I guess that makes Perry my “second-father-in-law.” Happy Father’s Day Perry, I hope you felt the love that I got to witness behind my lens.